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Ayurveda Yoga Studio, Daegu has joined Facebook. If you search: "Ayurveda Yoga, Daegu" we should appear.

We offer a Teacher Training Course, as well as, a Therapy Training Course. Both courses are taught in Korean with English translation. These classes are taught on Saturdays (the first Saturday of each month there is no class)... Both are in session for 6 months. Upon completion of the course you will receive a certificate that will allow you to teach yoga. You can continue to come back to the leadership classes for free *continuously, if you find the course beneficial for your personal growth. 

An excellent space is provided for turning in and gaining a deeper understanding of the self. These courses are helpful for everyone whether a person wants to go on to teach yoga in the future or just explore yoga, life, and the self more deeply.

Therapy Course: (at the Siji studio)
*No class the first Saturday of each month*
This 6 month class focuses on personal healing by exploring different forms of therapy (Family Constellation Therapy, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, among others)

Yoga Leadership Course: (at the Manchon studio)
*No class the first Saturday of each month*
This 6 month course focuses on Hatha yoga and BodyMind Therapy. It examines the history and theory behind yoga. There is a focus on self-reflection. The classes covers an aray of topics from posture adjustment, chakras, Oriental medicine, breathing... as well as asking fundamental questions, such as, "What is yoga?" Upon completion of the course you become certified to teach yoga.

PROMOTION: When you sign-up, you gain access to both classes, but are not required to take both. You can take one and then the other or just one. It is your choice.

Anyone interested in more information about this program please contact, Megan Deutsch at megan.deutsch@gmail.com

Cheers and Peace,


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